Sunday, May 04, 2008

0059: andy's theory about sandwiches

i'm pretty sure this theory applies to anything really, not just eating sandwiches. anything is better if you do it in a treehouse! trust

this post is my love song to sandwiches
and treehouses


Anonymous said...

Beautiful! Great design but AMAZING color palette. Well done sir.

Oliver Akuin said...

thanks blake!

Brown Eyed Brown Girl said...

um. now you've gone and made me want a sandwich in a treehouse.

Oliver Akuin said...

u gotta try's the best!

David Colman said...

these are great....real timeless the yankee flag!!!

Oliver Akuin said...

thanks man! i added the yankees flag as a nod to all my new york friends:)

Albert Sorrentino Jr. said...

I'm amazed and easily amused by you!

FinnFactory said...

very charming, keep it up.